Alice and Ted
Alice and Ted went early to bed,
Where Ted hoped that Alice and he
Could be satisfied, be gratified,
But Alice thought differently.
Alice once said that both she and Ted,
Were as happy as they could be,
But time flew by, that's the reason why,
Alice's love for Ted had fled.
Ted thought Alice, acted with malice,
Refusing his conjugal rights,
Her back was turned, his advances spurned,
She reached out, and turned off the lights.
We're getting old, Alice said, quite cold,
passion's flame has long since burnt out,
I'm not sure whether or if ever
We'd overcome these lovers' doubts.
Thinking that a rare rat-a-tat-tat,
would at length unfreeze this ice ax,
let me relate, I think it's too late,
There's no way you'll reach my climax.
But it's not, that sweet love's been forgot,
There's plenty out there that's for sure,
So, excitedly and finally,
I'm leaving you; For Ken next door.