Born Into Belief
Can anyone tell me how it came to be,
That I had a religion, at birth
Unknown to me?
"Faith will see you through!”, I hear them say,
“keep the faith!"
Which faith?—I ask - if I may.
To keep the faith, I must in principle agree
To its existence, motivation, and direction,
So following it may set me free.
I might not be born to repent
Or be good, kind, and generous
I might not agree that life is a test,
A selection tool for entry to paradise,
I might not see the power as one
A Single source of wisdom,
I might not be able to keep track
The names, strengths and their favorite snacks.
Why follow one path without knowing the rest?
Why defend it blindly as if it’s the best?
Should we not live free, unbound by a single thought?
To look, to wonder, to question—and not stagnate and rot?
No reason to align with any ideology,
No compulsion to sing any song,
No fear of becoming an outcast,
No need to wear symbols for long.
First, I must know myself—who I am,
And how I can live the best I can.
Then, along the way, I might find company,
Smiling, laughing, epitome of harmony.
That company with me will ride—
My reason, my destination,
My belief, my guide.
Mon 3rd Mar 2025 10:53
A splendid poem on exploring an essential question: who am I?