The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Take your time!

Kids always jump and play

Common knowledge - till you know they don’t!

Till 2 years of age - on the ground they stay,

Making noise and poking fingers where they shouldn’t.


Kids take their time,

They cannot be rushed


They have not intimation

That they lack proprioception

They don’t have a need to challenge the notion

That they still need better coordination


They walk when they want,

When they are ready to take the accompanying fall

The talk when they wish,

Content with mixing words and gibberish

They eat as their body commands,

Not ones to fall for the commercial demands

They sleep till their eyes decide to open

Probably reliving every waking adventure they went on.


◄ Born Into Belief

How Do You See It? ►


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