It's Pancake Day Okay
It's Shrove Tuesday don't you know
Well I'll be blessed but I let my religion go
No ashes on Wednesday for me
I left the church and set myself free
But hey ho I've got something to say
It's pancake day hurray
I'm hungry feed me I pray
It's pancake day okay
I can still remember as a boy
It was a day of pure joy
Mammy made the sacred batter
Four hungry eager mouths to feed no matter
Plain and simple nothing went to waste
Just lemon juice and sugar to taste
I remember it fondly like it was yesterday
It's pancake day okay
Tom Doolan
Tue 4th Mar 2025 22:11
Many thanks for likes: Red Brick Keshner, hugh, kimberley & Naomi. Hope you enjoyed your pancakes folks. 🥞👍