The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Bed Zen Poet

I wake up with the house

at 5am, or thereabouts,

it exhales a good morning

from the back bedroom

with a yawning crack,

ten minutes later a reply

eases from an under stairs

cupboard, a languorous

haunted gentle creak,

at this cold time of year

the heating crackles into

a noisy cough at 6am,

my poetry brain tries to

rise to this early challenge

as words tumble out from

the darkness, taunting me

to let them fly uncaptured,

I scribble hurriedly, illegibly,

hoping my hasty glyphs are

at least decipherable

come breakfast time,

who knows?

© Graham R Sherwood 03/25

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 6th Mar 2025 23:00

Graham, I'm convinced that the poems I think of during the night would mark me as a poetic genius. But come morning there's nothing but an empty void & an urge to pee.

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David RL Moore

Thu 6th Mar 2025 07:42

Hi Graham,

It's so frustrating how vivid dreams slip from our minds so quickly when we wake. I used to keep a notebook by the bed but now I find myself staggering to the lounge unable to get back to sleep until I've scribbled some seemingly nonsenseical words.

David RL Moore

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