The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

If A Tree Falls

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The question’s been posed – if a tree fell alone

would it make any sound as it fell?

If you think about it, there’s millions of things

that go on with no way we can tell.


The Saltgrass that waves in the ocean breeze,

when no one’s there, does it still sway?

The water that flows down a crystal stream,

when we’re gone does it go away?


It’s a paradox truly, there’s no way to know

so, I guess it’s what you believe.

To me the thought’s just for fun, but you know what -

there’s something that’s troubling me.


The concept leads me to think more - what’s inside?

Can a heart all alone still be broke?

If no one’s aware of the pain that you’re in

does the hurting vanish into smoke?


Of course not, it’s all the worse! Just like the tree -

it crackles and cracks when it falls.

It’s simply what happens. Most people you see

have pain they hide deep in the walls


of their inner-most chambers. They paint on a smile,

pretending that everything’s fine.

But trust me, it’s all an act. Everyone plays

so, everyone’s basically lying.


Why don’t we get past this? When you meet someone,

assume that they’re hurting, you’ll see

that they are and they’ve waited for someone like you

who care’s enough to let it be.


Then you’ll find that they also have what you need

to heal you of your hidden pain.

And this is true no matter how much you try,

for each soul you’ll find it’s the same.



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