The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Stop the World

Stop the World



Sitting on the edge accelerates spin.

Rotations whip, growing nausea,

To an un-halting acid tsunami.

Throat burns in failed containment,

Nostrils the primary escape route.

Emerging fire constricts breathing,

Forcing involuntary gagging.

Escape route two is established.

Waves crash through open portal,

Propelled with violent intent,

Until subsiding into spent calm.


Emptiness fails to bring clarity,

Dizzying turmoil persists.

Confused thoughts, conflicted,

Blended into surrender.

Putrefied understanding,

Processed to subliminal soup,

In a skull-shaped bowl.

Consciousness escapes,

Making a determined run for freedom.

Darkness descends,

Engulfing the vacated space.

Sitting on the edge accelerates spin.


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