The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

UKRAINE - - ? GAZA - - -? -- and all places in-between




With lacklustre eyes

and steel-trap jaws

the BLACK DOG trots - -


- - unbidden,


mist hidden

at heel

keeping pace - -


- - maintaining the space

in a chilling embrace

of raw power - -


- - Overwhelming

fear ascending,

tears descending

it tightens the grip

that controls the measure- -


- - increasing the pressure

testing the mettle - -

                      - - to breaking point.




BLACK DOG is Churchillian 'speak' for depression.




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Graham Sherwood

Sun 9th Mar 2025 12:02

There is very little in the news currently that elicits anything other than negativity. The world cannot be allowed to slide into
another global conflict even though some would most certainly benefit from it. in the words of the song it's a question of balance!

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