The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Who Do You Call Coloured?

This sonnet addresses the irony of calling someone "coloured," highlighting the contrast between black skin, which remains constant, and white skin, which changes with emotional or physical states. This poem reflects on how the colour of one's skin can shift depending on circumstances, challenging the societal labels that define people by their appearance.

When I was born, my skin was dark as night,
And in my sorrow, still I wore that hue;
Through burning suns or fear’s relentless bite,
My colour stayed—forever firm and true.

But you, when born, were soft and blushing pink,
When anger flared, your face was burning red,
In sadness, blue as skies that drown and sink,
In sickness, green — as if by poison fed.

When fear would grip you, yellow turned your skin,
A rainbow shifting with each passing shade,
Yet still you call me coloured — think again,
Who wears the mask that nature’s hand has laid?

Judge me not by the colour that you see, 
For my hue stays, while yours shifts constantly.



raceidentityblacknesswhitenesscolorsocial commentarycultural reflectionshifting identityskinperceptionpoetrysonnet

◄ The Staged Betrayal


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Mon 10th Mar 2025 17:43

Don't apologize for being a very good poet with a deep empathy for those who suffer injustice. It is a talent that I have huge respect for.
I do tend to take things seriously and act impulsively before I digest what I am reading.
I think your poem is brilliant and should be discussed in depth as a school subject.

Rolph David

Mon 10th Mar 2025 17:30

Dear Flyntland,
No, no, I'm not personally hurt at all. That came out wrong with you. I recently read a poem by a PoC about the burden of one's skin colour in a world dominated by white people. I put myself in that person's shoes and tried to empathise with what it would be like if I had to endure that pain, that prejudice, that insult just because of a skin tone. This made me extremely angry and I put it into words, based on the statements of an Aboriginal woman. It is more than upsetting that there are still people who prejudge, shun, hurt, humiliate and degrade others just because of their skin tone, just because they feel they are better than others, which in my eyes they are not at all. No one is better than anyone else.
But thank you for your words of encouragement and sympathy, even if they were based on a misinterpretation I am sorry for.
Take care,

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Mon 10th Mar 2025 14:33

Dear Rolf,
You sound so hurt, it makes me sad and I am sorry for your hurt.

You also have a point, I am even more sorry for that.

Please, please believe that we are not all so insensitive, I can't think that any member of WOL. would ever use that term.

Keep writing

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