The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

City of Rooftops

entry picture

This city of rooftops
this tangle of streets
Houses perched 
upon hillsides
This fragmented view
a colour sample chart
of various greys
Choose any shade…

A ghoulish wind rattles 
shivering window panes
as remnants of noisy leaves 
shuffle down crooked lanes
Frozen snow 
blocking passageways
I wiggle my toes
to keep the blood flowing

Between five rivers
a hill I rise, or will soon descend
The greyscale and greens
of this city’s scenes
Twigs imprisoned
in frosty potholes
The door-creek of icicles
tickled by winter's breath

The oil lamp flame
fidgets and flickers
fighting behind smudged glass
goes another round with this season…


wintercitynorthern town

◄ Hinterland Blues


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Thu 13th Mar 2025 12:05

This very descriptive poem is visual - I see the roofs, and the colours, I particularly like the "oil lamp flame" "behind smudged glass"

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 13th Mar 2025 11:37

Thanks, Tom.
I like "The greyscale and greens
of this city’s scenes"
Yesterday's northern sunshine was deceptive. I went out, dismissing advice to wear a pully. My hands turned blue whilst waiting at the bus stop. "N'er cast a clout 'til May is out", as they say!

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