The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 24 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Never Let Me Go

entry picture

Floating on my back
weightless in the turquoise water
off the shores of Koh Phi Phi
Been living hard, too long
All these years without a break
Now, I watch the crust of duty
gently peeled from damp eyelashes
Invisible hands, unburdening me
O, never let me go…

The water’s warm against my wrists
joyous tears kissing the brine
caught upon the tide of living
gratefully tangled in this unfolding moment 
Dappled light through towering trees
scatters across this molten mirror
I threw myself into the eager ocean
needing to be held by something 
that would never let me go

From this freedom 
and this peace you’ve gifted me
I don’t ever want to leave
To the sand and to the trees
to the depth of these island seas
to the dripping sweat and ocean breeze
to the chattering of those crazy monkeys
I categorically plead
never let me go…



◄ City of Rooftops


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