The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Beyond All Reasonable Doubt [Bring Back Hanging]

Nature or nurture?

where she was concerned

there was never any doubt

about either,

but ranks will close

as and when needs must.

Light by name, and light by nature,

A smile to light up every room,

she had always been that way,

instinctively loving and caring,

ever gratefully aware

of the precarity of

her own origins,

but the patriarchy looks

after its own,

and ranks will close

as and when needs must.

It had always been in her nature

to nurture the feeble and the frail,

but when wannabe TV celebrities

cock up procedures,

and award-seeking coppers

need easy collars,

ranks will close

as and when needs must,

and the judiciary ignore

their peer’s sound advice

that the so-called “evidence”

is of “no value” at all.

Yes, the clue to her death is in the word “Royal”,

there’s a patriarchy that must look after its own,

and ranks that will close

as and when needs must.


So, up there she dangles,

and sways in the draught,

once her bright light was loved,

but now it’s extinguished,

she’s hanged by the neck,

another statistic,

her guilt has been proved

“beyond all reasonable doubt”,

One thing’s for sure,

the Royal College has clout.


Royal College of Nursingpatriarchynaturenurturecelebritieshaging

◄ World Book Day March 2025 [Palestinians Excluded]


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