The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Crimes against mysanity

I thought I'd repost some vitriol this morning and let you decide who you wish to send it to.




dictionary whore.


Your literary vacuum

leaves me wanting more.


Your spewing words

thick with rot,

from something ill ingested

tie my patience like a knot,

intestines worm infested.


You’re like a stain of afterbirth

stillborn and flushed away,

I’d write a book about you

if I thought that it would pay.


As it is,

you’ve raised my hackles

and forced my angry tongue,

I’d restrained it under shackles

until my hate you idly won.


Please walk into an ocean

a propeller,

or a plague.

If justice had a notion

you’d be renditioned to

The Hague.




◄ Glenborrodale


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David RL Moore

Tue 25th Mar 2025 08:27

Hello Landi,

Thanks for taking time to feed back your thoughts on the wild west. I thought it only right to respond as you had obviously put some thought into my casual quip.

Democracy is slowly being whittled away in many countries atm, although the dismantling in the US seems so blatant. One wonders what it would take to move major players into action.

My head is possibly too full of noise to write coherently on the subject atm.

I hope you are well. I see your previous country of residence is also disintegrating at a rapid rate.

David RL Moore

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Landi Cruz

Mon 24th Mar 2025 00:58

Hi David,

Sorry to drag you in for another comment, but I can’t (don’t want to) stop myself. I read your comment before work today and had a short while to mull it over in relative peace before the crowds rushed in to knock all the lofty thoughts from my head (fuck consumerism, btw). Unfortunately for me (fortunately for you) I can’t possibly expound effectively so I thought I would summarize the most important ideas in bulletpoint form…

• yes, this is the wild west considering our relatively young age as a nation, and with the near west being maybe twice as old as the far
• the greater part of my inheritance as a citizen stems from those who destroyed a lesser branch of the family tree of many in this country, a culture which could’ve taught us all much which might have saved us from our current troubles
• do the European parents of this country not recognize themselves in their adolescent offspring?
• the media seems to control a narrative in which moderate viewpoints seem to have no voice
• I fear that if both sides of the political aisle do not find the center and soon, our democracy will suffer consequences which may be grave and irreversible
• the version of conservatism I see today doesn’t resemble that with which I was raised. I recently heard it said that one should operate on society as he would operate on his father—slowly and carefully
• how could my country and others benefit from analytical therapy and shadow work?

Let it be said that I pondered all of this with some humor and some amount of light in my heart for the future--thanks for the opportunity to open it up a bit.

Love xx

Thanks for the vid...

It's true--like Y2K, nothing ever happens )

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David RL Moore

Sun 23rd Mar 2025 12:04

Thanks for the like and comment Landi.

Hope all is not lost yet out there in the wild west.


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David RL Moore

Sat 22nd Mar 2025 13:36

Thanks Graham,

I have always been an advocate for understanding ones enemies, their culture, their motivations and specifically the manner in which they garner support via any means available.

The arts are quite useful in such manipulations. Of course every state not merely our enemies utilises the power of literature, culture and art in all its many forms.

The attached article is quite informative for any who might be interested in further reading.

David RL Moore

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 22nd Mar 2025 12:09

Thanks for this explanation David (who knew Karadzic was a poet?) They were a pair of bad 'uns for sure!!

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David RL Moore

Sat 22nd Mar 2025 08:53

Good morning folks,

This poem was first published on in 2018.

As I recall I was reflecting on the recent trials of two balkan war criminals which had concluded in 2016 and 2017. They were Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, both nasty pieces of work.

Karadzic had been a succesful poet in Serbia, he had focussed much of his later work on Serbian history, exploiting extreme nationalist Serbian views. It is his poetic creations I was alluding to in my piece, reflecting upon how his words had enflamed extreme views which he later used as a catalyst for violent action.

Mladic was simply a thug who if he was lucky might have achieved the rank of Lcpl in the British Army yet ended up commanding an entire army.

The title of the piece is a play on "Crimes against humanity" with which they were both charged.

Additionally at the time of writing Trump was in his first term causing havoc with his ridiculous words and tiny brain. Now he is in his second term doing an even better job of being a tyrant in the making.

Of course the poem can be interpreted however else you might like, that being the point of creative writing.

The rest is history, I guess.

Thanks to those who have commented and liked.

David RL Moore

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Landi Cruz

Fri 21st Mar 2025 17:33

Personally, I'm not above showing my teeth at times. I feel that puts me in a good position to empathize with others when they show theirs in an appropriate forum.

A time unto everything under the sun...

Forgive me--that's a dreadful statement, I know. It's just what was on my mind atm.

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Fri 21st Mar 2025 16:29

I think the first line says it all , from that all flows like a stream of dark consciousness -I was thinking of vitriol, a great word, (vitriolic sounds like a new spray cleanser - to be applied liberally! ) Sorry to go off piste.

Best, Ray

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David RL Moore

Fri 21st Mar 2025 14:57

Thanks for the likes Graham and Landi,

The old adage used to be until the threat is illiminated...but I might suggest until the magazine is empty, fire at will.

Thanks again.

David RL Moore

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 21st Mar 2025 09:49

I’ve changed my mind several times reading this David. How many bullets are we allowed?

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