The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Freak Shows of Past

Not so long ago all life was bleak
For those who were considered freaks.
Were they too big or were they too small?
Were they too short or were they too tall?

People would just stop and stare,
And then journey on without a care.
Their treatment was quite harsh and cruel,
And they were made to feel just like a fool.

But this is no longer how they are fated,
Our differences are now celebrated.
So thank heavens that it is at an end,
For we may now even see them as a friend.

So all people should now have respect.
For it is what we have come to expect.
So be glad these times did not last,
And let's all keep it in the past.


Stuart VannerFreak Shows

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Wed 26th Mar 2025 12:11

A poem that celebrates our differences. Bravo! Thank you Stuart for this people-affirming poem.

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