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corn fed if it kills me

I just want to be corn fed before you kill me
However meagre my crop
How eager your harvest
I still have feathers
And half a wing to fly
the fuck
of your hell hole- should I ever get the chance
At least if I’m slayed by Jamie Oliver
Ill be served with the best garnish
And sat upright
The seat of the pants
Ill fly
A merry death

A celebrity chefs
Knife is the coolest way to go
Not Asda nor Tescos own

I saw you picture on my brothers packet
Farmer giles
And jimmy hacket
Farmers incorporated
Made it look alright
I got a ton of feathery shite to
Cough off my chest
You invested in asbestos sheds
You bastards

You are filth
Chicken shit I smear on you
For treating me this way
Battery caged and useless
I want to be corn fed before you kill me
Its my egg born right
Its my sodium light kick in the
Hens teeth
Your compassion is rare
As is your beef
But your steroids
Are just the thief of fools gold
Bet you never told them about the steroids
You fuckin slack farmer
Shit on your rubber boots
Kick in your missing tooth
Give me corn
Like any normal bird
Give me a free range to peck
Don’t train wreck me
On a hook
I saw you looking
Dumb fuck
Ill get my way

Corn fed, one day
If it kills me.

◄ lazy alpha male

Death of a snooker player ►


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Sun 31st May 2009 05:19

J'adore la passion que tu mets dans les expressions de ton écriture...
Tu sais que je suis entièrement d'accord avec tes sentiments...

Pete Crompton

Sat 17th May 2008 15:33

"HI Peter,Great poem, made me wonder if the poor chicken would want MON 863? Made by Monsanto, its a GMO that Monsanto has farmers growing all over the world. After 90 days rats that were feed it, had problems, blood stream anomalies that varied by sex, blood cell level changes and lymphosite problems,renal lesions, kidney problems.Now many a farmer and scientist would poo poo this information, just to make a $. Almost all the soy is GMO and has had roundup spliced into its DNA, so that the farmer can spray round up on the crop and not kill what he planted, just kill the weeds, that he used to pay people to pull up. From what I have read the word "Organic" is a big fat lie.I almost wanted to be anorexic and die once I read about Monsanto. Its tragic whats going on with the seeds.All chickens need to be free range, and should have "normal" seeds/foods to eat. So should humans. I vow to someday have a small farm where once again some chickens can hunt and peck, and be normal chickens. great poem, I should send you all the Monsanto papers I have. it would fire you up like a rocket!"

hey thanks!

Some good info there. Almost a poem as a reply.

why not try a poem like this.
you can do it

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Mon 12th May 2008 10:16

And in these sheds you have 20ft high chickens, and these chickens are scared because they don't know why they're so big, and they're going, "Oh why am I so massive?" and they're looking down at all the little chickens and they think they're in an aeroplane because all the other chickens are so small. Do you deny that? No, I think his silence speaks volumes.

Quote Alan Partridge

<Deleted User> (4281)

Mon 12th May 2008 04:57

Pete, There is less and less great food out there. All chemically improved for a long live on the shelves. Yes, you are right on with the subject on a corn fed chicken, I wonder if you still find those on the market. We are having same problem here and people get so ill from all kind of illnesses and allergy too. Thank you for the caring poem perhaps someone at the top will get to read this to make him/her think what is going to be with the future generation if still survive. It makes me think of that.

Thank you,

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clarissa mckone

Mon 12th May 2008 03:04

HI Peter,Great poem, made me wonder if the poor chicken would want MON 863? Made by Monsanto, its a GMO that Monsanto has farmers growing all over the world. After 90 days rats that were feed it, had problems, blood stream anomalies that varied by sex, blood cell level changes and lymphosite problems,renal lesions, kidney problems.Now many a farmer and scientist would poo poo this information, just to make a $. Almost all the soy is GMO and has had roundup spliced into its DNA, so that the farmer can spray round up on the crop and not kill what he planted, just kill the weeds, that he used to pay people to pull up. From what I have read the word "Organic" is a big fat lie.I almost wanted to be anorexic and die once I read about Monsanto. Its tragic whats going on with the seeds.All chickens need to be free range, and should have "normal" seeds/foods to eat. So should humans. I vow to someday have a small farm where once again some chickens can hunt and peck, and be normal chickens. great poem, I should send you all the Monsanto papers I have. it would fire you up like a rocket!

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