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Complete control

When stubbing out my last cigarette I

Broke the cracked ashtray I inherited

From my old tenants - a sign from on high

That it’s high time I quit this bad habit

Although I’m not religious maybe it

Is some vague universal consciousness

Transmitting a message just for me - quit!

Or is it all in my mind? Do I bless

Myself when I pray, hope, decide or guess

What’s best to do, and then when I apply

Myself to do it, do I have complete

Command and control to achieve success

Or just a mess? Responsibility

Of such magnitude’s often avoided


And now, yesterday's which I accidentally deleted, along with your kind comments - here it is for completeness' sake:

The late spring evening light a ghostly glow

The trees in full leaf a green Berlin Wall

Through the French door light turns into shadow

Created by the table, chairs and all

Such seasonal impressions can soon fall

Like autumn leaves, like reasons and like love

Someone walks in, depresses swich on wall

And harsh electric light glares from above

Scaring nature away with brutal shove

Boxing glove charm despatching those below

From momentary communion with it all

The real world, inhuman as it wove

Its invisible silk web we can’t know

Until deafened to evening TV’s call

◄ First class pain / train

Reds Rule Moscow (Again) ►


<Deleted User> (4446)

Wed 21st May 2008 13:14

I like your style! Great Stuff!

<Deleted User> (4744)

Wed 21st May 2008 10:04

Do you have the will power? You could have a whole series ... Nicoteen Free - Day 1, Nicoteen Free - Day 2, Nicoteen Free - Day 5. Then if you do crumble and give in ... we'll all slap you about in the comments. Good luck!

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Jeff Dawson

Tue 20th May 2008 23:10

Hi A!

Well done if you've quit, not easy to give up stuff I know, and here it's good to see you can see some humour in it too, enjoyed it cheers Jeff
ps - Complete Control - Fine Clash single too!!!

<Deleted User> (5646)

Tue 20th May 2008 22:07

Hi there,
Thanks for your comment. Happy to have made you smile.
As to your poems, Zuzannas right. The humour shows through, very droll at times.
I think we all have it within us to control and master our own success but i also believe we can tap into the universe for a little extra help.

Re- yesterdays poem. It's horrible isn't it when reality breaks the dream. Hope i got that right?

Thanks again, Janet.

<Deleted User> (4281)

Tue 20th May 2008 20:08

Antonio-- I am glad you were able to conquer the bad habit! It was a sign that you should quit smoking when the ashtray broke on you. I like the life events in your poetry.

The second poem that you deleted is wonderful too. I like the metaphors.
Your writings are excellent!
Do not hit that DELETE button again...Smile.

Thank you,

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