Write Out Loud Partnership with University of Bolton
(Photograph, from left to right: Julian Jordon (WOL), Martin Thomasson & Matthew Welton (University of Bolton) and Paul Blackburn (WOL)
The partnership between Write Out Loud and the University of Bolton was officially launched at a creative writing showcase event at the Octagon Theatre on 20th May, organised by students Scott Devon, Keith Hilling and Luke Martens, all supporters of Write Out Loud.
The university's creative writing courses have grown in reputation in recent years, producing 30 graduates annually, many of whom have been able to bring their poetry reading and performance skills at Write Out Loud's poetry nights and benefit from using the website www.writeoutloud.net|
Said Senior Lecturer, Matthew Welton: 'It makes so much sense. Here is an international poetry organisation on the university's doorstep, and we are teaching world-class creative writing courses. We see it as a partnership with potential to benefit the town and its students, as well as increasing Bolton's literary reputation. Students will be able to read their work to a wider audience and Write Out Loud poets will gain access to the university's staff and expertise.'
Write Out Loud also provides work experience opportunities for existing students, several former students are now part of the WOL management team and as the organisation grows rapidly over the next two years it plans to offer further employment opportunities.
As well as providing support and promotion for the University's programme of guest poet and writer events at the Octagon Theatre, both organisations are interested in developing regular poetry events based in the University which, though initially targeted at the student population, will encourage the participation of people from across the town and beyond.
Talks are also at an early stage for WOL to have offices in the proposed Media Village that the University intends to develop later in the year.