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Striking Out


Sapped of his savvy,
all alone in the lavvy,
mind burnt by searing lies,
how did she ever come to despise
the man she'd looked up to for so long,
the one who had always been so strong?

But there is no doubt about it,
just listen to her shout about it,
bitter as a flame grilled lime,
no considered words this time
about the man who'd given his very life,
how come he now deserves this strife?

There is no talking to her sealed down brain,
those thoughts she holds were welded with pain, 
you simply can't expect that angst to escape,
so it's bringing about a life sentence of hate,
can't we seek a way to cool the white heat within,
what's done is done, should old anger keep up this din?

Oh there's no magical way to answer the above,
we can but leave it to time to search out the love,
the love she lost through bitter pride and spite,
surely it wasn't all because of that single night,
the one when he told her in words so clear and strong,
he could see her anger causing harm before long?

Who'll be the one to take the fall and pain,
the same one she had almost come to maim,
or another who might stand firm and say,
'no, you simply just can't have your way',
so who now can be there to help ensure,
that she won't be striking out any more?

August 26th 2010

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