The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

If you are a poet

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If you are a poet it means so much

as others souls you often touch.

Your own soul you cruelly cut

petting the others with your blood.


To be a poet means to sing of beauty

and it’s the main poets' duty.

Rhyming  words to tell the truth

and it has to be quite smooth.


To be a poet means to burn with passion,

to treat the others grief with a compassion,

to love the others as yourself,

to hear the voice of kind elf.


To be a poet means to dream,

to tell the world a touching theme,

to speak sincerely and frankly

but not just rhyming poems blankly.


Rhyming words is not the main,

there’s no need to strain your brain.

If your heart has nothing to tell

rhymed words will look like hell.


To be a poet means to write

as if your blood gushes from vein,

to write the rhythm of living breath,

the rhythm of life that seethe.


Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)

30/9 2010



◄ Don't Touch My Heart! (Biting the bullet)

Don't regret about the past! ►


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Lynn Dye

Sat 2nd Oct 2010 22:05

Good message, Larisa, and I like your picture, do you perform live often?

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