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As it is Johns 70th today, here is my tribute poem



John the artist played at a pace that didnt slack
He was a bold young figure, the leader of the pack
Quarried in that Mersey town and crafted into rock
Solid from the outset, his band was hard to knock
More talent than the many other groups that were around
The Beatles got the world to dig their Mersey sound
Apprentice served in Hamburg, playing thru the night
The brought a blend of soul with rock in which to delight
Helped by Please and Thank You, they even got the toffs
Shaking up their jewelry when Royal Variety they did top
Touring became much harder with stadiums so packed
Screaming fans drowning out the music, every track

Long years in the studio, brought the legends to their peak
Far eclipsing stones and kinks and others that did seek
To occupy that top spot, which had grown so very high
None would ever do it, though the cream of bands did try
Dropping winston for his ono, he prospered for a while
Imagining peace for the world, instant karma made us smile
John the father took five years out to stay at home with Sean
Baking bread and playing was then his daily norm
When at last he had watched the wheels go round
Back he came and brought us an album that we found
Was to be the last one released before the day he died
No one could ever count all the people that then cried 
John became a legend, one I think will never fade
We always will remember the efforts that he made
To bring some sense to politics and an end to war
If that was all he'd ever done we could not have asked for more.

April 2008


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Lynn Dye

Sun 10th Oct 2010 20:11

Good tribute, Dave. John was definitely my hero! Lynn xx

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Greg Freeman

Sat 9th Oct 2010 23:23

A splendid name indeed, Win. Two more of my heroes - you and Churchill!

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winston plowes

Sat 9th Oct 2010 23:11

Dave, its a nice piece. What would have been? and Greg - its a nice name too :-) Winston x

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Greg Freeman

Sat 9th Oct 2010 22:23

Enjoyed this, Dave. One of my greatest heroes. The whole Lennon industry is beginning to crank up again with the 30th anniversary approaching, isn't it? I'm reading his biography on the train into work at the moment, and trying to work on some sort of poem myself. Interesting that he dropped his middle name for Ono but revived it as a nickname for the Rock and Roll album. Dr Winston O'Boogie. I liked that.

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