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Sage & Onion


How I wish the whole world was so sage
as to put aside all mistrust and rage,
instead arrive at some common ground
where solutions to our woes could be found

The endless cut and thrust of lies
has seen so very many folks demise
but who has stopped to analize
what profit ever came with all those cries?

The useless waste of modern man is plain
the failure to learn from all our past a shame
If we but only knew our onions well
sage minds would a different future sell...

October 31st 2010


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jane wilcock

Sun 31st Oct 2010 20:18

hmm, inspired by sunday roast, me thinks. The answer may be herbal, perhaps thyme!

<Deleted User> (7164)

Sun 31st Oct 2010 19:15

This one caught my eye and further reading captured a memory amongst other things.
I'm a natural born analyser of anything and everything. I don't always come up with the right solutions but at least i make the effort and there is where most answers/solutions are found but rarely when all the analysing is one sided. ;-)

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