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Fitting In

He's ill at ease with talking therapies

and is happier to take

those good old-fashioned remedies,

you can hear his body shake

during ECT as he taps his feet

to the sound of synthesisers.

It's a retro beat down memory street

and it really gets inside us.


Though there isn't any evidence it works,

have faith and you'll be saved

by fits and jerks.


He's on an odyssey from moral agency,

prepared to die a thousand deaths;

he's getting free electricity

but he'll end up in debt.


With each treatment there's a bit that disappears;

the minutes become days which turn to years;

he has more space than before between his ears

and he forgets.

◄ Beziers

Jealousy ►


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Greg Freeman

Thu 25th Nov 2010 09:02

How often is this used in the NHS these days, Ray? I thought it had been discredited. The poem has a jaunty swing. I like "he's getting free electricity / but he'll end up in debt". Whether or not you plug yourself in, if you live long enough you'll forget it all anyway, I guess.

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