Hardly original, but still my perspective
Beauty is openness,
beauty is truth,
beauty is not the shallow absence of imperfections
absent mindedly bestowed by youth.
In notions objects and places,
it's far easier to be objective about the subject
of this most subjective of emotions
than it is when we consider faces.
For beauty in people goes deeper,
lasts longer,
is marked over years
by the well placed wrinkle around the eyes,
which, even through tears, retain their sparkle.
Transient and ephemeral,
you can't bottle it and yet it is transferable,
for true love is an interaction based not on attraction
but instead on a subconscious or unwilled transaction of... beauty,
whereby if were to keep score,
both those who are loving and those who are loved
become more beauty-filled than they were before.
Mark Mr T Thompson
Wed 29th Dec 2010 10:57
Thanks Isobel I have written a few around this subject, I'll post a couple the others up.