Equally bad (AKA Rantings of an antisexist man in a post-feminist world)
I may be a mister,
But sisters don’t get pissed yeah when I say in fact - I, am a feminist.
There seems to me to be a need for us to celebrate and debate the culture of nurture over greed,
Which appears an instinctively natural part of so many a female’s nature.
Maybe its origins historically are biological,
Isn’t it simple, obvious and logical,
That of the human races pair of parental partners
The very best gardeners tend not to be the human seed planters,
But instead, the seed tenders, the inside lending, DNA blenders,
Who, to bear a child, must share all that they have, all that they are,
Carrying a new life force in a physical pact that is still genuinely gender particular?
Now this is not a tract based on womb envy,
as what I want to celebrate goes way beyond that.
It’s vital not to see this as a simple transgender pat on the back
Because these important qualities have gone from being undervalued, to being under attack.
Some seem to want these special skills from us divided,
So much so that men who show these qualities of consideration and kindness
are too often derided by guys and girls should show that they know better,
While young ladies become laddettes, painting their life pictures from palettes tainted
As they ape all that is vile and uncouth from the landscape of our modern male youth.
Equal but different were the targets for us I guess somewhere we must have lost focus,
In chasing dreams of equity
We came to be more equal but crucially
We became indifferent to the importance of difference.
Instead, the hard drinking, pint sinking, self serving, status quo preserving,
aggression and violence of masculinity,
Came to be promoted as a better choice for you & me
than what might be described inarticulately as more feminine qualities,
In transactions of word, powerful projection is asserted
as the only way to make sure that you’re heard,
Thus listening is lost as a skill,
our conversations become nothing more than confrontational battles of will.
Sorry but it’s folly, ‘cos if we’re aiming for fairer,
Why do we make the meek into bullies when we need more carers.
Our sexual revolution is no completed history - for me her story is at best half done.
For although heartfelt and hard fought were the battles that have been won,
If I am not going mad,
It seems the equal that we have so far become
Is simply equally bad.
Laura Taylor
Fri 13th Sep 2013 14:52
Hehe :) :)
Nice one again, chuck