Thou art pissed off!
Here's a new piece that I performed on Wednesday at Queer Contact's Outspoken and shall perform again in 3 days time at OpenMind Valentine's Special.
We ARE the art,
So believe me WE can make it.
The suits showing concern,
Like hookers they fake it.
It's not just the Fritzel's, R. Kelly's and the Glitter's,
The Top Cats are still guilty,
just not the runts of the litter.
Conspicuous cats hiding in the shadows of the boardroom.
It's not just prison where we pay for the rapists,
Fuck it you can't censor me - damn right I'll say this.
They cut arts funding by 25 percent,
Whilst laundering lust on BBC3 with perverse intent.
Fitter than your daughter who's underage and pregnant,
Now where's the art in that?