There's Something about April
There’s something about April -
the way she wears her clothes:
loosely fit. One button more
and September is exposed.
The veil removed, her flesh reveals
December’s naked trees;
Springtime lurks behind the bark
and drags me to my knees.
I kneel upon her dewy cloak
And make her moss my bed;
It’s time for me to leave this world;
another circle's thread.
An Albatross (hung round my neck
for years before this time)
has pulled my face down to the ground.
I cried [the perfect crime].
There's something about April -
the way she sheds her tears;
Smiling sunly through the clouds
before the gaps appeared.
The year which winds before her day
is pregnant in her womb.
The bed of roots beneath my skin
becomes my tendril tomb.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Sun 1st May 2011 21:23
This is very interesting. I like the format even if it is not any 'shape' I recognize; it's a pleasant flow of undulating eye. The ideas are very sensual with some lovely images, like the whole of the final four lines: 'the year which winds before her day/is pregnant in her womb.....becomes my tendril tomb'. Maybe the metaphors get a bit confusing, but the overall 'feeling' is very intrusive if carefully read.