The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Cynic

The cynic's narrative is familiar,

the familiar disdainful script slips easily

off the acid tongue which lurks

behind the curled lip.

The familiar bored tone,

The familiar raised eyebrow and tired contemptuous amusement,

the familiar unspoken conspiracy of superiority,

the familiar stale charm and shallow cheer,

the familiarity of 2011's world spirit.


Harder to be positive.

Harder to find what is fresh and new.

Harder to work, and sometimes

even hard to sing.

It's hard to scratch around for optimism,

gather shreds of resilience.

Hard to avoid caricature,

to look beneath and inside.

Hard to keep the candle alight.


But the cynic does not impress

and there is no music in him.

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 2nd Jun 2011 10:23

Oh to live like that every day would be would be such a sad way to exist..but a touch now and then :o)

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Dave Bradley

Mon 30th May 2011 09:31

Thanks Steve, Dave and Andy. Cynicism sometimes being right and sometimes being funny - yup, two good points it's impossible to dispute.

But to BE a cynic - if that's what a person IS, in their essence - that feels wrong. The cyncism has then devoured its owner.

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Andy N

Fri 27th May 2011 14:06

Nice poem, Dave.. the last stanza gives it a really good balance and leaves you thinking which I think is the point behind it.

Good One, bud

<Deleted User> (9186)

Fri 27th May 2011 00:59

It's a yes and no from me - cynicism is not ideal and we should all look on the bright side. Unfortunately the cynics are often seen to be right after the event whereas as the optimists are sadly disappointed - as a Libra
with bipolar it ponders many questions for me.

Interesting subject, well penned - David

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Steve Regan

Thu 26th May 2011 22:58

Nice one Dave. I think this is a fascinating subject. Perhaps every generation thinks the world is jaded and so people feel compelled to see all life's machinations with an eye that is suspicious and perhaps has a jaded filter fitted.

I think the distinctly cynical British sense of humour is definitely a plus though. I like it, even though it does lend itself to these lines from your poem.

"the familiar unspoken conspiracy of superiority,

the familiar stale charm and shallow cheer".

Cycnicsm, smart-arsery etc are good laughs most of the time. And they are closely related to the brilliantly human actions of smirking and sniggering. But when the smirk slips into a sneer we lose something of value, I'd say.

I think many people are capable of sniggering and smirking while also having great positivity and spiritual insight.

Any road, your poem made me think!

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