Think Twice
Have you ever thought, if you can see beyond my grandiosity, I am trying to get a message across. I know I ramble and that, but, there is a reason for it. I just hope you all get the message before it's too late. There is something 'EarhAngel' about those who through thier experiences find themselves within the depths of suffering. I know we all suffer to an extent, but I find myself becoming decreasinly unwell in conjunction with the planets turmoil. Maybe some of you feel it too. Best wishes to all. I fear I may not write for much longer, I am suffering so much and have just had one of the worst relapses of my life. Much love. Michael xxx
Think Twice
We have enough data now,
We know playing God is not for Men of
Mortal means,
We know the dreams we have,
Are all not necessarily born of Goodwill
But, nightmares that as years go by,
Become more and more apparent.
There is a language to our dreams
That can be interpreted as the failing of our
Lives, the projected elements of day
To day living we know, is not the life
We thought.
And if you take stock a while,
You’ll see the reality the nightmare is becoming,
The murder, rape, child abuse and poverty
That speaks bigger volumes every day,
Every day we try without an inkling of
But whisper cliché of
There but for the Grace of God, go I.
I am asking of the year an amnesty
Of Arms,
Where those believing the gun speaks
Bigger than the pen, discard the rules of old
That make injustice of their very being,
For those that rule their quandary
Of existing for the bullets that they hold,
Are the fearful we’ve become.
Too many a good son and daughter,
Sacrificed for the elements of progress
That in essence is not the progress we
At first believed, are dying by their throngs,
And for all upon this globe now,
There is a cataclysmic siphoning of life
As nature cries you should have heed the warnings,
But protractions of each conflict that bled the
Very life of man;
Arrested your development
For better a universe, for only now as
Alarms are being raised,
Are you concerned about the Globe.
An amnesty of arms for all,
Where togetherness in peace will
Be the last lights saving grace upon
For if we can do this,
If we can lay down the weapons
And start a ripple of confidence within
Then Mother Earth may grant
The last chance for us to shake each
Others hands.
This one ball of seas and trees
And animals and humans, gave life
For us to be her guardian,
But if all we do is fight amongst ourselves
Then Mother Earth is lost,
And this cost upon the Universe,
Will be that, the turning back to
Primitive has taught nothing that
Each man and woman and child,
Has the capacity to learn,
And never again will be this human
In his current form;
A Guardian of Life.
An amnesty of arms for each
And everybody’s sake,
Will be the courage that we gather,
That rejects the entity of hate.
Michael J Waite 26th May 2011.
Dave Bradley
Fri 27th May 2011 08:13
Hi Mike
Sorry to read that things are such a struggle at the moment. Hang in - we'd miss you if you stopped writing - your heart-felt poems are powerful.
The world is a complete mix. Mladic has been caught, we're out of Iraq, Sudan voted to split in two - just 3 examples of good stuff, and there are lots more. But there are lots of appalling things as well, as you say in the poem. The challenge is how to take it on board, and even do somthing about it, without losing sight of all the good things in life. Not easy, and perhaps that's right, it shouldn't be easy.