The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

His Saint Feet

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The feet of our Lord walked

Along the dusty roads,

Scratched by the stones.

Along the narrow paths,

Cared by the green grasses.

Those Saint Feet were not aware of tiredness,

He walked His way with worthiness.

Beyond an ordinary strength those feet walked.

Days and nights,

Proclaiming to avoid the fights.

Those feet were washed by tears,

Those feet didn’t know any fears.

People knew those feet,

They didn’t want them to bleed.

Those who brought their sin to His feet

Were blessed and greeted.

That’s how he treated everyone.

But…a betrayal was done.

His body was crucified.

Some people cried,

Some stood aside.

The same happens today.

And here I would like to say:

If you don’t trust

You will stay in  dust.

And if you are a sinner,

Looking for salvation

Or wishing to get rid of temptation

Kneel before His feet,

Pray and ask for forgiveness

And you will go up to fineness.


© Copyright Larisa Rzhepishevska

The 3rd of July, 2011




The Ghosts ►


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Jeff Dawson

Sun 10th Jul 2011 17:45

Good luck in the competition Larisa! I haven't written anything for it, this is well written from a religious standing it would be well received in the church. thanks very much for your compliment about my funeral poem, i was very flattered! Jeff X

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 7th Jul 2011 18:45

It's a philosophical question. The theme was given and I have written. I can't say that I am a strongly religious person but.... I pray and it helps.

<Deleted User> (8730)

Thu 7th Jul 2011 17:27

Strongly religiuos

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