The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Ghosts


How to forget your smell?

How to forget your tender kisses?

Now I want to yell.

Your love my heart misses.


Cruel time didn’t save us, didn’t save.

Gentle breeze blew away our feelings,

Ghost of love came from the grave,

No mercy on me, no healings.


Our years together flowed and flew,

It seemed they would never end.

None of us knew

The ghost of death could all amend.


Your hot breath burned my lips,

Your sweet words burned my heart,

Our life was the love trips,

We didn’t want to be apart.


We’ve met on a crossroad,

Two destinies merged into one.

The whole world glowed,

We gave birth to the son.


The ghost of original sin appeared,

Fatal errors can’t be avoided.

We were both feared

To be deprived of  freedom, to be annoyed.


Someone’s head is on someone’s shoulder,

But only cold is now on my cheeks.

I haven’t become bolder, but…getting older

I know what my soul seeks.


And still: A black ghost of guilt is behind my back.

My love was true, but something had a lack.

It was the black ghost of someone's fault.

The one I couldn’t halt.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

The 3rd of July, 2011

Odessa, Ukraine




◄ His Saint Feet



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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 4th Aug 2011 17:02

Love and parting can't live without each other.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 4th Aug 2011 16:59

Thank you John! You are right. If it were not for the happy memories I wouldn't write this poem.

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John Embley

Thu 4th Aug 2011 16:45

This is a really sad poem, Larisa, beautifully written. I hope you also have some happy memories to make you smile ...

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 4th Aug 2011 16:16

Thank you dear Chris! This poem has come out of my heart in a moment. May be you know that I take part in all competitions here on the site. When the theme about ghosts appeared I was a little bit confused, didn't know what to write. But...yesterday something happened, something inspired me. May be it was a call from my husband.

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Chris Co

Thu 4th Aug 2011 15:32

Very well written Larisa.

I thought it was coming from a deep place and it seems so from what I have read in your comments.

My Best


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 4th Aug 2011 15:09

Thank you dear Stella for the comment. You are so right: we cannot chose. Yes, we can chose clothes or vegetables in a market but not the time of our death. Sounds sad, but ....What to do? It's life.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 4th Aug 2011 14:58

Oh my Larisa :(

No we cannot choose can we?

Powerful words Larisa x

<Deleted User> (8730)

Thu 4th Aug 2011 10:48

Hasta la vista, Larisa. I had my heart broken 3,4, and 5 years ago but I have recovered. I generally write poetry books about lost love.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 3rd Aug 2011 21:13

Thank you so much for the comment, Tom. But...what to do?
You can't delete the words from the song whether they are sad or joyful.

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Tom Harding

Wed 3rd Aug 2011 20:49

Very effective larisa, very sad too.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 3rd Aug 2011 20:27

This poem is about me and my husband who went to another world seven years ago.

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