The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Infinite Sadness of Time Passing


The Infinite Sadness of Time Passing

Time was,

When she went by,

The sun leapt down

And danced a way before her,

And the excited moon

Peeped around the corner of the world,

And the city gaped, as poor bewildered I,

Shuttle-cocked between hope and despair,

Teetered – a lovelorn idiot…


Far cry from then…


She goes by daily now,

And the sun stays in the sky,

And the moon in the earths shadow,

And the city goes about it`s busy-ness,

And the unaltered beating of my heart

Signifies that somewhere…something`s…died

Vapour Trail ►


<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 15th Jul 2011 23:02

I've never been in love like I was when I was 10 or 11.
Adult love is still great, but back then it was all-consuming - and we'd never even held hands. Ah well.
marvellous stuff Harry. B

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winston plowes

Thu 14th Jul 2011 23:35

Harry , so please to come by this tonight. What a brilliant insightfull poem. thank you . Win x

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Harry O'Neill

Thu 14th Jul 2011 16:10

Thanks for the comments

I see the point about `far cry` but it is about age...and it`s typographically prettier`
(every little helps)

Thanks again.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 14th Jul 2011 10:21

Ohhh, so sad. I hate that passing of time when it does this. So simple, so brief, so heartbreaking.

Great poem

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 11th Jul 2011 16:32

Pleased that I came about this Harry. A lovely marriage of the two verses although I too do not believe you need the joining line of a far cry..nice work sir. :)

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John Darwin

Mon 11th Jul 2011 13:34

an eternal theme, beautifully expressed. Thanks Harry


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Andy N

Mon 11th Jul 2011 08:06

lovely stuff, Harry.. Not sure if you need 'Far cry from then…' bit in the middle however as I think it could work better without it.

Even way, the piece is still lovely.. A


Sun 10th Jul 2011 17:34

Hi Harry - liked this which remided me of Airman's Ecstacy by McGee except that you (not surprisingly) end on a somewhat meloncholy note based on the comparison of youth and older age. Liked especially 'And the excited moon Peeped around the corner of the world'

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