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"Love You Millions" A Cut-Up Type Poem

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I created this poem using a very rigid cut-up inspired technique of going through an article in a women's magazine and only deleting words. I kept all of the text in the same order as in the article and didn't add anything or change any tenses etc.



Love You Millions


I don’t know what was harder

Being told

Or having to explain it

“I’m poorly”

But you’re not supposed to be breaking

Feeling exhausted, worrying, fretting

Because of my illness

Our family was in danger

It seemed so unfair

Consultants can give you medicine

I’ll survive this

Get to be a mum

Get used to the side effects

Sometimes I couldn’t drag myself out of bed

Kiss me better

Hold my hand

Tears in my eyes

It became our catchphrase

“Love you millions” every night

“Love you millions” to make sure

Heartbreaking to hear

He started losing his hair

Cracked up

Laughed so hard we had tears

Rolling down our cheeks

Keep taking the medicine

Live for

“Love you millions”

◄ Quoting Mikey Wong: "Poetry Is Gay"

Ain’t Never Been So Precious ►


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Gemma Lees

Mon 10th Oct 2011 22:50

Hi Shirley, thanks for your comments. I'd give it a go, it's only 70p or so for 40 such articles in a trashy mag so you can scribble on them until you get summing useful! My book is called 'A Method In My Madness'. You can buy it on Amazon, order it through a book shop using the ISBN or get it from me! :)

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Shirley Smothers

Mon 10th Oct 2011 17:08

Wow! You've done something I've never had the courage to do. Well done.
It flows and reads very well.
Martin mentioned you have a book? Is it listed? I'd like to take a look at it. Cute illustration.


<Deleted User> (9593)

Thu 29th Sep 2011 15:12

So inspirational! Amazing what you, I mean YOU, can create out of the seemingly ordinary.

Good luck with the book. You deserve all the accolades!

Martin R.

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Andy N

Fri 22nd Jul 2011 19:34

i think these kind of things are a bit hit and miss for me, Gem but I really like this.. I totally agree with Val - it certainly flows really, really well.... A

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Val Cook

Fri 22nd Jul 2011 15:00

Well done Gemma it certainly flows,I like this I may try it myself.

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