Wrong Name
My little girl, as she was
Riding a pair of shoulders.
Frozen in a shutter lens wink.
Blink and there gone, time runs on.
A snap that caught a snippet of life.
Wrapped, riding hooded in a red blanket,
Shrouded in mystery
Amidst the snowflakes, each one unique.
Looking back at the lens
All innocence and ambivalence.
I don’t know, should I laugh, smile, shout, eyes open, closed
Looking towards, away, far, I’m cold, what?
I don’t know.
It’s my first time on camera, she might have been thinking.
Smeared fingerprints on the glass
Caress your cheekbones
That are trapped by the ageing frame.
And sometimes
Sometimes I take you out.
Spring the spring and spring you from your prison
And unfold
The other third of the picture.
So I can see your father.
But mostly you remain
My little girl
With the wrong name.
<Deleted User> (5984)
Sun 31st Aug 2008 14:22
Beautiful Scott. It made me cry. What more is there left to say.