Mother Nature screams in utter rage, a voice as loud as thunder and death and one Man can’t hear himself; yet he knows something is wrong – this is because he has ruined and taken and not given a damn, raping the world, His world and not caring one bit.
So She is concerned and now She acts in the only way that will get results –
devastatingly so.
A new start is needed and the now will begin to end, soon.
A slight tug on the path of an asteroid from the path of a gas giant brings it onto the path of our world.
Mother nature is acting though man is blind to this – it will be months before His telescopes pick it up.
Upon impact five billion people will perish
in a blast of flame and debris and death and pain;
few survivors pray for their God but he doesn’t listen.
Mother Nature has taken Her revenge and now Man is gone,
only ashes remain of Him and His civilization.
In a million years a new world will have risen out of the ashes, free of Man.
After destruction comes the peace.
nick armbrister
Thu 3rd Nov 2011 21:50
thany yes mother nature is the boss oh yes xxx