Live in Dorset? Here's a competition for you
Bournemouth Festival of Words is running a poetry competition – for adults and children - for those living in Dorset, in advance of the festival itself which takes place in April next year. The theme is Winter, the deadline 26 November 2011. Send in a poem or poems of no more than 40 lines to Poetry Competition, BFoW, Suite 94, 2 Lansdowne Crescent, Bournemouth BH1 1SA. Prizes are £25 for adults, with books the second and third prizes. Children win a £10 book token in each age category, with books for second places and runners up. Judges are Ray Brown, former editor of South poetry magazine, and John Kay, published poet and teacher. Entry fees: Adults £2.50 per poem or three for £6.00, children free. Further details