The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Nine Letters of Christmas

My first is in children and also in care;

My second’s in hope and in homeless and share;

My third is in laughter, in present and strife;

My fourth’s in belief, in despair and in life;

My fifth is in festive, in sleep and in streets;

My sixth is in thanking, and trouble and treats;

My seventh’s in memories that grow with the years;

My eighth is in warmth, and in absence and tears;

My ninth is in stranger and shelter and smile;

I make up the season that’s here but a while

Of goodwill to all men, those we do - and don’t - know:

May you give and receive love wherever you go.


◄ A favour, please...

The Christmas Fox ►


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Val Cook

Sun 18th Dec 2011 21:47

This poem is brilliant Fifi.

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Andy N

Sun 18th Dec 2011 21:10

made me smile, Fifi.. I've got a piece called '12 days after Christmas' which i wrote years and years back which i must share too... i'll get round to this just before Christmas i hope but top stuff xx

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Sun 18th Dec 2011 19:30

This is wonderful, Fifi - you capture the true spirit!
I especially like the ending...

'I make up the season that’s here but a while
Of goodwill to all men, those we do - and don’t - know:
May you give and receive love wherever you go.'

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