She says sign your name
The pen won’t work
We share a moment.
In the waiting area men
Cough and shuffle, there’s
A scuffle but I don’t care
She puts on a half-smile
And my name, on her lips,
Sounds like an aria, and when
She checks my form there’s no me, there’s just us
I’m in love with the girl at the JobCentre Plus
Is it the inkstains on her fingers,
The way she cradles the date stamp in her hands?
Is it the tired boredom in her eyes
Or the way I want her tie me down
With that little pile of rubber bands
That keeps me coming back,
Invited but unrequited,
Every two weeks, that makes me
Write a diary for her with all
The things I’ve done?
It’s hurtful and unpleasing,
Love in a time of quantitive easing
It’s so sordid and shaming…
I’d even shop my neighbours to her
If any of them were claiming.
And then I get a job and my dreams turn to dust
It’s goodbye to the girl at the JobCentre Plus.