Neck and shoulders,
the promise of a bodice
makes the Gentleman
jingle at the edges.
He’d like to tip himself up
and pour himself in
to the shape of champagne glasses,
frothy with all the fizz
of a foreign language….
but for the fear of falling
flat on one’s face,
the tongue-tied gift
to sink below his station.
Mademoiselle might merely
adjust her cleavage,
loosen a strap and dab
at the sweat on her forehead
before the obligatory swoon
to the Turkish carpet.
He’ll have a doctor shine
a lamp inside her eyelids -
just a touch of the vapours!
Pronounced with a flourish;
brought on to some purpose;
over-diluted entertainment
as light as a bubble.
Desires they may not avow
or that the author cannot allow
at this stage of the novel.