Trev's Texas Tour 2012 (Austin the last time)
Image: Bruce reciting Shakespeare as an Omniverse, we met last year at Barton Creek and kept in touch, it was nice to meet up again.
148) A full day it’s my last, has time really gone that fast?
Tomorrow it’s the homeward flight
Back over the pond through the night
Leaving I’ll be sad, but getting home I’ll be glad
After my second American tour seeing my family once more
But no time to be bereft, get out and enjoy the time left
149) The sky was a sombre grey as if sad I was going away
Occasional spot of rain like a solitary tear
Mourning the end of my tour this year
Then no more spots of rain as the sun shone again
The sky slowly turning blue, the grey it peeped through
The sun growing stronger, pity I can’t stay longer
But I have to depart from the State that took me to its heart
My trip has to end but everywhere I seemed to find a friend
All sayin’ “come back now y’hear”
An’ me sayin’ “God willin’ see y’awl next year”
150) Woodpecker pecking at a tree, I saw him and he saw me
With my camera like as not raised up to take a shot
But before I could blink or cough
The durned li’l critter upped an’ flew off
151) Arriving early in plenty of time for my final night of rhyme
At Ruta Maya the path well worn, chess piece on the table it was a pawn
A reminder of how others see us and think how we should be
Thinking they have a right to say how we should sing say or play
Thinking they are wise when they criticise
The all knowing saying how your work should be going
But my tip to all of you is to your self be true
From the start write from the heart
And if your poems they don’t like, tell them to go take a hike.
152) At Barton Springs where the water is clear
A group politely asked “what are you doing here?”
In a manner modest not high and mighty
Said “I’m a poet from dear old Blighty
And what I’ve come here for is my annual poetry tour”
They asked for a sample so I gave an example
From my latest score then gave one more
They thought me cool not a fool
So be ready cos’ you never know
When you might have to do an impromptu show
153) It was the Ruta Maya again my last night
My tour like last year had gone alright
Poems written and recited, to listen to others work I was delighted
As we spent the time sharing our free verse and rhyme
Talent uncovered, new poets discovered
Giving a rendition carrying on the tradition
Bringing poetry to the fore, more and more and more
Now as my tour ends I say “thanks goodnight and God bless my friends”
154) I read poetry from my tour and continued to read some more
Also reciting loud and clear poems from my tour last year
Poems that did deride, poems from my softer side
Poems about planting a tree for future generations to see
Poems about my bad attitude recited in a manner somewhat crude
Was it good? Yes I suppose it was my last night and anything goes
155) Up and down like a jack in the box poets on stage as the evenin’ rocks
Imagination in overdrive, Yo! Man gimme five
We’d write then recite
Poems written on the spot, not giving a jot
Bringing them to the fore, then we’d up an recite some more
All knowin’ keepin’ it goin’
So when we finish at nine we’ll sure have had a real good time
156) Occupy a space anywhere any place
Stand still a place you’ll fill
Stand here, stand there, stand anywhere
In or out of doors occupy a space that’s yours