The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Variant of a SESTINA poem: Little Child Lost.

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A Variant of a SESTINA poem:

Little Child Lost.


Lies lost my melancholy, lonely child;

lost with her Fairies in fantasy dreams,

to wake with nightmares reality.


Child lies, lonely, lost, melancholy – my

richest treasure sleeps soundly in her nest;

she’s my life, my world, my only success.


My child, Melancholy, lies lost, lonely

she cries for comforting, yearning for love;

for Mother’s love and touch, she understood.


Lonely my lost child lies, melancholy –

if only my mistakes could be erased,

transform these stormy skies to brighter days.


Melancholy, lonely lies my child – lost

In crowded Mansion, in silent chaos

With no hope, no love, no future for us.



Lost, melancholy, lonely child – my lies

that divided me from my family;

that created this misery within.


Precious Angel, little child lost by lies,

Cruel lies divided us, my lovely child –

Mother mourns her LITTLE CHILD LOST…..



                                                                                                                          written by

                                                                                                                            Phillip Kelly


◄ Fishing For Fella's



tony sheridan

Thu 29th Nov 2012 16:57

Beautiful. Well put together. Take care, Tony.

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Phillip Kelly

Tue 22nd May 2012 22:47

thanx.......wasnt sure whether it works or not, the repetition........what do u think?

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Tue 22nd May 2012 11:32

Ah, the power of repetition, lovely.

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