After adoption: write about your experiences
Adoptee and poet Anwen Lewis is offering a course of five evening workshops to adopted adults in the north-west who would like to explore and express their experience in creative writing. Workshops will be held at the After Adoption head office in central Manchester between 6-9pm on 6, 13, 20, and 27 June and 4 July. Work developed during the course of the project at Unit 5 Citygate, 5 Blantyre Street, Manchester, will be considered for publication on the After Adoption website and reading/performance during Adoption Week, November 2012. Places on the project can be booked contacting the details below at £40 per person for the full course. A limited amount of unwaged/ low-income bursaries are available. Contact Hillary Crossley Lawlor at After Adoption for booking and inquiries on 0800 0 568 578 or email After Adoption is the UK’s largest charity focused on finding adoptive families for children and supporting the whole family of adoption.