The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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 I've never seen the lady who I'm guessing still provides the microwaved meals but I can only imagine the photo is an accurate likeness.




When I fart

Most guys think it’s a disgrace

But you thought it was funny when I shoved them in your face

You’d grade them on a scale of 1-10

And I’d argue that I deserved more

Then you’d blast one back in my direction

Trying to better my score

Your van had a Duke’s of Hazard horn

You had Pat and Mick on your cassette recorder

We’d do donoughts in your Sierra and go to strip clubs together

And you were hung like a donkey with a growth disorder

We’d drink beer, go to gigs and spend days in bed

I’d never been this happy before

But once everything was sacrificed coz we couldn’t be apart

The only sign that you cared was a fist through the door

Home town pressures, a necessity to please

To stupid to see someone else’s opportune

120 miles coz she couldn’t start her car

Who the fuck wears highlighter on a Sunday afternoon?

I never cared if she won, you threw it all away

I walked off and turned to French Vermouth

Underestimated, but I’d never be that weak

Damage was done regardless of the truth

You come round for your stuff

And I take the piss

No sympathy for your tears.

But we had it so good…..

So I pull you in for a kiss

I don’t think I care

It doesn’t enter my head

Until I feel tears streaming down your face whilst we’re in bed.

The last night I woke up still in your grip

You’re happy back together until I need you there

Found suddenly broken, in a desperate mess

But it’s too much commitment for you to care

We don’t laugh anymore

And you’re void of compassion

The last 6 months held together purely by passion.

We’ve gone our separate ways

Everyone’s a winner

Fake tan on your bed sheets

And a microwaved meal for your Christmas dinner


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sian howell

Thu 12th Feb 2009 11:05

Thanks for your comments Mia, would love to see you perform . I live in Somerset (where cider comes from ! ) Who knows, if it's not too far and baby sitting allows...I note you haven't posted recently, do you have any new stuff. Sian X

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 7th Dec 2008 19:22

Nice one Mia, how ya doin? Hope to see you soon, Jeff X

<Deleted User> (5164)

Wed 19th Nov 2008 15:39

this poem has cheered me up for the rest of the day lol

sez x

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clarissa mckone

Tue 18th Nov 2008 02:03

LOL Mia, Very funny, I bet thats her picture.

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