The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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sian howell

Updated: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 10:56 pm

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Many years ago....and I do mean many, I was singer in a band and with my then partner wrote original material for the songs. It was a productive time, from a writing point of view, and I produced a variety of pieces. Looking back, my poetry then very much reflected the emotions connected to my relationship when that finished it was hard to revisit my writing. Now I just write when the mood occurs and have no specific theme in mind except what I find inspiring......which recently has encouraged me to seek out this site. So here I am.


One Step Behind I measure myself against you, and see changes occuring. Maybe lost to a stranger's eye, the gaining, the lengthening, the poise... All appearing like moments of grace. I - the older, the wiser ? Still follow... one step behind... as you walk on, stride on... into the future

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by sian howell

Overcast (16/09/2014)

Overcast (16/09/2014)

You and Me (15/09/2014)

Long Days (14/09/2014)

Force of Nature (23/08/2014)

Shadow on the Sun (03/10/2010)

The Park Bench 'swing'. (26/04/2010)

The Long Fuse (11/01/2010)

Christmas (13/12/2009)

Alpha Male (06/12/2009)

Read more entries by sian howell…

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 16th Sep 2014 09:56

Hello Sian,
many thanks for your very flattering comments.
I don't know about you but I am finding writing particularly harder as time goes by.
I write monthly for a living and it seems to drain something out of me, leaving little left for creative work.
When I am inspired it pours out but the waiting is unbearable.

thank you once again and KEEP WRITING


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Andy N

Fri 5th Sep 2014 12:37

hanks sian. you got the point behind this poem about poor Stefan spot on. thank so, so much for your thoughts here. hope to see you put more on here soon x

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winston plowes

Thu 29th Dec 2011 08:42

Hi Sian

Never knew there were so many words begining with 'sw' you have used them so effectively that this aspect of the poem blends in beautifully. Liked the squeaky creations

Win x

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winston plowes

Thu 29th Dec 2011 08:42

Hi Sian

Never knew there were so many words begining with 'sw' you have used them so effectively that this aspect of the poem blends in beautifully. Liked the squeaky creations

Win x

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David Franks

Fri 18th Mar 2011 11:52

Just enjoyed "One Step Behind", Sian.

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winston plowes

Wed 20th Oct 2010 22:41

Hi Sian, Cynthia did say hello! Win X

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Sat 9th Oct 2010 03:10

Merci beaucoup, Sian, pour tes commentaires sur mon poème
'Thoughts of You'.
C'est incroyable comme tu es toujours très perceptive...


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Greg Freeman

Tue 5th Oct 2010 08:13

Hi Sian, thanks for your comments on Tomboy. I believe she definitely emerges stronger from it all. By the way, I thought your Shadow on the Sun was strikingly good, particularly with its flick of the tale at the end

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Ray Miller

Sun 3rd Oct 2010 10:55

Sian. Thanks very much for your kind words. It was a long time back to that Park poem! But I remembered all the sibilance and what I called the "all-at-once ness". It's a lovely poem. If you enjoy writing you should carry on, you do it well.

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Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

Tue 29th Jun 2010 01:36

Its nice to read your work once again!

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Jeff Cottrill

Wed 7th Apr 2010 02:28

Hey Sian--
Thanks for the comment on my profile, and please excuse the tardiness of my reply (I haven't been on the site in a while).
If you're interested, you can hear more of my stuff at or Cheers!

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Fri 15th Jan 2010 01:26

Thank you Sian, as always for your support and encouragement...
means so much!

Francine x

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 13th Jan 2010 15:52

Shards of spite and the grey dusty, grim musty silence are more evidence of your sharpening eye. However the use of single word lines twice......

Together with the.......


...shows a really powerful emotional compass. I'm always interested in your work Sian. Well done again and keep them going. Graham

steve mellor

Wed 13th Jan 2010 12:46

Hello Sian
Thanks for your very kind interest. I am something of a reluctant blogger, having no great regard for what I do (not false humility).
I write to express those things that have passed through my mind (many and various), and if others find them of interest or enjoyable, I am both amazed and thrilled, in equal measure.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 13th Jan 2010 00:55

oh! watch him Sian,that T.C.-he,s a wolf in young mens clothes-lol!-goodnight all.Mr.Wilde

<Deleted User> (7073)

Wed 13th Jan 2010 00:46

Hi Sian seems to take ages to get to the bottom of your postings ha ha.... thank you for the comment hugs are on me, I will send some positive Karma your way, Thaumaturgically Charged of course ;-)

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 12th Jan 2010 19:02

Hello Sian HNY to you. Thank you for commenting on Happy New Year. I unfortunately was one of those in last night's clothes. Have just read The Long Fuse. Will comment after a couple more reads. Always necessary with your work. I'm looking for the clever bits that you hide so well. Graham

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winston plowes

Fri 18th Dec 2009 09:54

Hi Sian, Re Decree Absolute. An interesting twist by changing the word She to He. A lot better now I feel and obviously no reason not to change it. Thanks X

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winston plowes

Thu 17th Dec 2009 18:12

Hi Sian, More on Decree Absolute. Thanks for your interest. I have removed one letter from my piece. Can anyone spot which one? I think it makes a huge difference. Win

<Deleted User> (7073)

Tue 15th Dec 2009 19:05

Blimey Sian !! that is so clever !! still you could have squeezed Bulging bellies between:-
'Halls a bounty'
'Boundless love'
But it might not have had the same ring to it ha ha...;-))
TC X ;-))

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winston plowes

Mon 14th Dec 2009 23:59

Hi Sian

Re Christmas - yes definately better.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 14th Dec 2009 23:29

Ah! you clever girl. what a lovely hidden little treat. I can se I'm going to have to watch a bit more carefully from now on.

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Tue 8th Dec 2009 19:20

hi Sian, thank you for your kind comments on Drifting, deb xx

<Deleted User> (7073)

Mon 7th Dec 2009 12:56

Hello Sian ;-)Thankyou for your appraisal of The Enigma poem, I thought John had a point, then when I read your comment's I was pleased with the way you interpreted it, as that was the way it was intended to be read.( I guess it's all in the perception ;-) ) So you get 2 Thaumaturgically Charged browny points and a free Tarrot read for liking my poem as is ;-) .TC X

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 7th Dec 2009 12:22

Hello Sian, thank you very much for reading and commenting on Copse (I seem to be gawping at nature a lot lately, must get onto people stuff again soon). Noticed your new work, will read and comment as always. Great to see your creative juices flowing again and in a different style I think. Well done and speak soon. Graham

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Sun 29th Nov 2009 11:36

Hi Sian.
it's good to hear from you again : ) thank you for reading and posting your very kind comments on Kilim, deb x

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Marianne Louise Daniels

Wed 25th Nov 2009 17:26

thanks for the lovely comments sian, havent written anything for a while and so you have urged me to pick up my pen once more. I love One Step Behind. Beautiful. take care x

darren thomas

Wed 25th Nov 2009 13:30

Hi Sian - again, thanks for your comments. I'm not posting simply because I'm deep inside the forest of 'Old English' (and its verb structure) and covered in heaps of very dry learning. There will be a faint sound of rustling soon - I hope.

Take care - d

<Deleted User> (5646)

Mon 23rd Nov 2009 21:25

Hi Sian,
thanks for looking in on my profile. Haven't been on here for a month due to no internet service. This visit is temporary until full service can be resumed. (so to speak) :-)

ps. hope your latest blog isn't because of a bad personal experience. There are some unscrupulous fortune tellers around but they're not all bad.
Great poem.

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winston plowes

Sun 22nd Nov 2009 18:58

Hi Sian, thanks for your comments on 'Best Before End' may your satsumas remain firm. Win x

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