Single shots one after another
neat but not Vodka, ripple
their echoes through time.
In dark forests to the east
behind prison walls and elsewhere,
In shallow graves and single cells
light bulbs and piny smells
witnessed what happened here.
The ideological stain
from whence this all came
now lies bare but whispers;
let's not speak of skeletons.
Chris Co
Mon 11th Jun 2012 15:22
Thx again Isobel...and thx Harry and Laura for reading and feedback.
Hey Harry, I hoped the wider reference wasn't too obscure, but also hoped the poem might work on other levels for those not aware of the subject matter angled at. Maybe some success on that front...
For me no ideology, religious or otherwise can ever succeed morally If those seeking political control, impose a ridged orthodoxy and dogma; especially so if violence, fear and coercion are tools by which control is exerted.
Human nature is by nature diverse and the wish and will to free expression and liberty as innate to mankind as flight is to the birds. Organised orthodoxy and dogma are enemies of reason and mankind (not religion and not atheism) because they attempt to clip mans wings and cage his natural instincts for free expression and liberty. Instincts that have proven themselves overwhelmingly positive throughout human history.
Lenin was a mass murderer in his own right who stole any idea of a Marxist vision from the people. The way he operated, then ran the Bolshevik party, caring little for the people or for lives and all for power. For me that is what insured the possibility that a Stalin could exist.
Of course you are quite right about Stalin's crimes against his own people. The height of the terror and the great purges were indeed directed at his own people. In terms of numbers they were a much greater crime. In intent, manner and dehumanisation they were one and the same.
Hey Laura,
It's good this works for you, as someone who occasionally writes on similar themes...well it is good to know.
This poem is part of a series I've written on orthadoxy and dogma...exploring the darker side of mankinds nature and his wish to control his fellow man.
Anyway..enough of my waffle.
Thx for reading