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Colorado Carnage

Colorado Carnage


Tragedy struck in a cinema in Colorado,

A dozen people killed to satisfy a maniac's bravado.

A further 60 shot and injured as if in a game,

By a young man with just a speeding ticket to blight his name.

A shy loner going through life creating ripples so small,

Becoming immortal as an assasin making him feel so tall.

Hidden in society,invisible and without suspicion,

A methodical mass murderer on a mystery mission.


At a midnight screening of a Batman blockbuster he stood proud.

Throwing a smoke cannister and shooting indiscriminately into the crowd.

Some thought at first the attack was part of the show,

A silhouette shooting from behind the smoke in the front row.

6000 rounds of ammunition he purchased legally under state law,

And military style weapons passed to this man,no-one spotting a flaw.

Another American gun massacre,the World shakes its head,



◄ Look both ways

The Queen's helicopter parachute jump ►


<Deleted User> (10439)

Tue 24th Jul 2012 08:26

a great poem on the 'grief and tragic' genre, the way you have expressed the incident to create this breath taking poem !

Well done Hugh !!

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