The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Nice is not enough

I’m a catherine wheel, a crackling fire, I’m …



... an ascending swift, a snowcapped climb,

I pirouette on alpine peaks,

plunge breathless, goosebumped into swirling seas,

cartwheel naked through shapely sand dunes,

run hoodless, grinning in the unrelenting rain.


No muted rainbow, nor brown mottled moth;

Subtle shades of nice are never enough.


I have confronted, then crumbled in my own abyss,

I can walk with a lover beyond his precipice.

But life is still a celebratory dance.

This I know.  Happiness turns on a simple chance,

And it’s the movement not the standing still

That’ll take you to the top of the hill.


While in silent solitude nature presides,

Spirits still speak with me on wild lakesides.

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Martin Peacock

Fri 10th Aug 2012 11:25

I too like the first half of the poem; however I stumbled around the loose metre, trying to make it trip off my tongue.

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Lynn Dye

Sat 28th Jul 2012 13:49

I like this very much too, Alison. I would agree that the first 8 lines are more dynamic, but I still like what they lead to, especially the last 2 lines.

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Ray Miller

Fri 27th Jul 2012 22:37

Liked the first 8 lines very much.Then the descriptive slowly turns into reflective and philosophical and - for me anyway - less enjoyable, less interesting.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 26th Jul 2012 16:14

Like it - but have I seen this before? Sure I recognise some of the lines

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