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Harry O'Neill

Tue 9th Oct 2012 22:35

Been thinking a lot about your two efforts...This second is not so overpowered by the presentation to the extent of the first. and shows the lines (seperately)

I don`t know if it`s just my age which makes me not fancy the produced - showbiz - stuff... I wonder how it would go if it pictured just yourself reading the poem (but with the words displayed typographically as a completed poem?)I think that something like that may get the viewer to treat the poem more seriously and re-assure him that he is not being razamatazzed or show-bizzed into it.

Both of your poems stand typographically in their own right, but need to be read seriously.

I appreciate that this style may well get more people to read them, and that that is valuable in itself.

All this is just my own opinion.

Genesis, asks the question `where am I from?` that everyone asks before they are fourteen.The other question `where am I going?` we begin to ask when we get to my age...The idea that material science is somehow qualified to tell us anything conclusive about either is the big red herring of our age.

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Sun 7th Oct 2012 09:42

For some reason I woke up thinking about this poem - what a saddo! I've watched it again and I personally think that there are too many visual images - though which I'd cut is difficult to say, as there's one for every line and they match the words perfectly.

Space is slow and I loved the space shots cos they make you appreciate how suspended in time we are - and how miniscule and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

The words need to resonate more though and everything needs slowing down for that - less bombardment.

It could be that my brain works slower than some, mind...

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Sat 6th Oct 2012 21:25

Well I would have left a comment on youtube but it wanted me to sign up to something which involved entering my mobile phone number and all kinds of information - so I didn't!

Your poetry is always great Anthony and I love the themes you tackle - they don't get much bigger or less self absorbed :) Lovely audio too!

I much preferred the speed of this one Anthony - I didn't like the words zooming in and away like that though. Although I like to see them somewhere, I don't like them to be a distraction from the bigger picture. You're gonna think me a fuss pot after demanding words on your last piece. That one was much faster though and I've got to say something negative, haven't I?

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