The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


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Today all talk a lot about Pussy Riot,

The girls from Russia that couldn’t keep quiet.

OK, I agree! It’s their right to fight

With the things they don’t like.

I can understand any strike.

Even when you have to take a gun,

But … sorry to say that,

I condemn their action as the dirtiest one.

They’ve become the world known heroines

Because of their dirty actions.

Dancing in masks in the church

It’s the moral lurch.

You can agree with me or not

But that horrible action was not done on the spot.

To my opinion it was just bought.

But tell me please: for what?

Whooping the slogans against Putin in a church

Looked like the devil’s search.

They certainly should be released from prison

As their action is not the reason

To be punished like that.

Their dirty action is a fact,

But… if we are a civilized society

And would like to be a mighty,

We have to forgive and then ignore

If we don’t like to repeat it any more.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 12th of October, 2012


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nick armbrister

Sun 2nd Dec 2012 15:05

good poem... my Russian heroine will always be Lilya Litvyak...

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 13th Oct 2012 15:33

A timely comment from much nearer home about the actions of this girl group. It has always been the prerogative of the young to shock and these singers certainly did that. It is fascinating that this was considered so offensive in a country that had abandoned religion for so long. They chose their "performance platform" and certainly got more than they expected in return! Offensive? Certainly. Successful in making themselves heard? Certainly.
The lesson seems to be.....
"Don't go to church if you seek peace and quiet,
You're at risk from a performance by Pussy Riot!" :-)

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