Please give a little to Write Out Loud - if you can spare it!
The Christmas season is traditionally a time for giving … and Write Out Loud thinks this as good time as any to appeal for your financial help. You may not have noticed, but there is a button to click on the righthand side of the Write Out Loud home page, if you want to donate any money to help our efforts. So far, although we know this site is very popular - and growing more so all the time - precious few of you have felt the need to do so.
That is making things a little difficult for us. Although all those who work on the site do so voluntarily, there are continuing costs relating to our server that our newly-established advertising revenue does not cover. Because of the need to provide increasing space for data, the more popular we get, the more these costs rise. Although Write Out Loud has in the past sought arts grants, and will continue to bid for them, at the moment we are not receiving any financial aid.
And so we need your help. We think you believe in what we’re trying to do – spreading the word about poetry, and encouraging its health and vitality at the grassroots. We know it’s tough at Christmas – so many competing demands on your pocket – but please consider giving a little something to Write Out Loud, maybe even on a regular basis. It will all help!
Julian (Admin)
Tue 4th Dec 2012 12:15
We have got a small grant for a one-off project from NALD, to pilot our crowd-translation-of-poetry-wiki idea.
There is some money in there for me to be paid a little for organising and such, which will keep me solvent for a few more months, thus the website too.
Do we have any Urdu speaker/poets out there?