She was in tears when she rang.
‘There are feathers and blood all
over the living room, can you
come around and sort it?’
The cats were waiting for me
when I arrived. They seemed
quite pleased with themselves.
They followed me as I walked
in. A huge black thing was
huddled against the window.
It was still alive. I looked down
at the cats, and they were
backing off. They looked at
me as though to say: ‘We got
the fucker in here, now it’s
your job to finish it off.’ I
reached for the bird and it erupted
in a desperate round of flapping and
screeching. The cats, no doubt
emboldened by my presence, tried
to pounce. I managed to grab the bird.
It struggled in my hands before
submitting. It was in a bit of a mess.
Its head bobbed around as I looked
into its sequin eye. I briefly considered
putting it out of its misery, just
grabbing its head and snapping
its little neck, but I couldn’t do it. I
didn’t have the balls. I wrapped it in a
towel, and had a smoke while I
struggled with the responsibility. I got
the feeling the cats weren’t too impressed.